Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Government Partners to Lower Energy Costs

The BC Government is partnering with BC Hydro and FortisBC to expand energy-efficiency programs.

The goal is to help low-income residents reduce their electricity and gas bills through:
• Updates to existing low-income programs; and
• A new program which provides homeowners with up to $6,000 in rebates for energy-efficiency upgrades.

 BC Hydro and FortisBC will offer:

 Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP)

• free energy assessments; and
• energy-saving products such as new ENERGY STAR refrigerators to save residents $165 per year, and insulation upgrades saving residents $300 per year.

 Energy Saving Kit Program (ESK)

• easy-to-install products such as compact fluorescent light bulbs and weather stripping save residents up to $100 per year.

 Home Energy Rebate Offer

• up to $6,000 in rebates for home owners for energy efficiency upgrades to reduce water and space heating costs, including heating and hot water systems and insulation. Home owners completing these upgrades could reduce energy bills by 30 per cent per year.

 Learn more about programs for customers with low incomes, visit:

 Learn more about Home Energy Rebate Offer at:

(Source: REBGV)