Richmond was incorporated on November 10, 1879 and designated as a city on December 3, 1990. Historical industries include fishing, salmon canning, boat building, agriculture - dairy and berry production, aviation, export, and service. The founding cultures are First Nations, British European, Japanese, and Chinese.
The model of government in Richmond consists the Mayor and eight Councillors elected at large. The major awards won by city are Nations in Bloom 1999; Communities in Bloom, Canada - 1998; National; and Environment Award for Terra Nova Rural Park, 2008. Richmond’s twinning cities are Wakayama, Japan and Pierrefont, Quebec, Canada.
Richmond’s land area is 129 sq. kilometers (49.8 sq. miles) with latitude of N 49º 10’ and longitude of W 123º 8’. There are 17 islands making up the City of Richmond. Richmond is located on the west coast of Canada between two arms of the Fraser River. The area enjoys 1,500 acres (607.5 ha) designated natural areas and parks. A transportation hub which includes The Vancouver International Airport, the sea ports located in the city are the Vancouver Fraser Port and Steveston Fishing Port.
Richmond average temperature in January is 2.5ºC and average temperature in July is 17.3ºC.
The average annual rainfall is 1,112.6 mm.
Richmond population was 199,141 in 2011 (BC Stats estimate) with a projected population of 225,000 in 2021 (Metro Vancouver estimate). The average annual population growth rate from 2006-2011 is 1.7%.
City population as a percentage of Metro Vancouver region is 8.3%.
Immigrants as a percentage of population were 57.4% as of May 2006. Between May 2001 and May 2006, the number of immigrants who came to Richmond is 18,780 (est.). The three leading countries of birth for recent immigrants are China (People’s Republic of), Philippines and Hong Kong.
The percentage of population with University Degree is 26.0%.
Jobs and Industry
There is an estimate of 125,000 jobs in Richmond. The city jobs as percentage of provincial jobs is 7.4%. The total labour force from age 15+ is 92,470, where the percentage of this population group in labour market is 63.1%. There were 12,684 business licences issued in 2009. Major industries in Richmond consist of high tech, retail, aviation, transportation, tourism, service, manufacturing, and agriculture. Cranberries, blueberries, hay, and field vegetables are the major agricultural products in the city. According to the 2006 Census, average family income in 2005 was $74,790 and median family income in 2005 is $67,627. Business Associations include Richmond Chamber of Commerce, and Richmond Asia Pacific Business Association (RAPBA).
Recreation and Culture
Libraries, gateway theatre, arts centre, heritage sites, Richmond Art Gallery -
contemporary art gallery, museum, public art are the cultural amenities in the city. Some of the recreation facilities include 100 parks with 1,500 acres of area/open space, including the 320 acre Iona Island Park.
The area enjoys an 80 km system of interconnecting dyke trails, cycling routes and walkways; eight community centres; a seniors centre; cultural centre; fitness centre; two (2) arenas; eight ice rinks; two indoor aquatic centres; two outdoor pools. There are over 200 volunteer community organizations; 50 advisory committees and task forces; partnerships with business and community groups for community involvement. The major cultural events are tall ships 2002, annual Maritime Festival, Winter Fest, Music Fest, multicultural festivals, and choral concerts.
Richmond’s major tourist attractions are Steveston historic fishing village; Britannia Heritage Shipyard National Historic Site; Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site; Richmond Olympic Oval; International Buddhist Society Temple; Richmond Nature Park; London Heritage Farm, Asian shopping malls; and world renowned restaurants. The number of airport passengers annually is 17.9 million (2008). Richmond represents ⅓ of Vancouver’s bed base with 26 hotels and 4,700 hotel rooms.
Source: City of Richmond